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Other Amazing Professionals

There are other amazing professionals out there!  Too many to count.  We are working directly with some that can change your life. 



Donna Young, ND and Traditional Midwife extraordinaire! Yes, I'm a bit biased to her favor. She will take phone consultations and work with anyone who already has someone to "catch the baby" in your area and willing to follow instructions. Donna has an amazing system that's unsurpassed. She's simply the best in her field. Her book, Powerfully Pregnant is a must for any pregnancy. It's all in there! 




We suggest using a dentist who use the Dr Hal Huggins methods as much as possible.  I have personally had all of my amalgam fillings removed.  The dentist who did the work at the time stated that after so many years there's normally a sign of decay under an existing amalgam filling.  If they can find decay, they can charge the insurance for the replacement of that filling with a porcelain, if you choose - I did. 

I've taken classes where  Dentists, a Medical Doctors, and Animal Vets were right there with me doing the nutritional testing procedures.  Like all Medical Professionals, they are under observation.  Dentists by the AMA, must adhere to a "normal" scope of practice by peer review.  There are a few Dentists who work with Medical Doctors on a moderate basis with these approaches in our area. 

With this in mind I'd like to suggest a few options.  My regular dentist does not care for porcelain fillings, unless placed in the front of the mouth for aesthetic reasons.  Porcelain filings tend to not be a strong and long-lasting as amalgam.  We respect each others opinions and I still feel he's my trustworthy, friendly, local dentist.  So, no you do not need to change from a dentist you like and trust for normal dental care.  But you may want to see if they offer what you are looking for.  If not, you may need to go elsewhere to have your amalgams replaced.

One of my ND friends highly suggested I remove all of my amalgam filings before healing could really take place for an auto immune related issue.  Having my amalgams removed along with following Donna's Diet (in her book) produced the changes my body needed to heal.  Personal choices must always be made and YOU must personally research the findings available for yourself.   

There are Dentists who have a background with Dr Hal Huggins and current research in natural dentistry methods.  It's important to find a professional you can talk with who also supports your choices. 

You can find a dentist who uses a rubber dam when drilling into amalgam.  This protects your mouth from the debris that the drill kicks up.  I also like an oxygen mask during treatment to protect the body from inhaling debris being drilled that's in the air.  Most of the time you're offered medicine to inhale with the oxygen during any office visit there is drilling being done. 

I personally believe in either high amounts of Vitamin C (NOT too much before or you'll find out what bowel tolerance means in the dentist chair?).  Especially liposomal vitamin c before, and after an amalgam removal.  There's a new book on the subject that I recommend reading on this topic and they also suggest liposomal vitamin c during dentistry procedures.

In many of my CEU classes there is discussion of auto-immune and tooth toxicity.  I highly suggest this reading material if you have any health issues. 

And finally, I personally believe there is NO SAFE root canal.  Supporting information is also in the book above and those listed in the site below.  For more information on Hal Huggins.




Get your labs scheduled.  This company does NOT accept insurance, so there is less expense.  For $56.00 you get CBC, CMP, and Lipid labs.  This is about a $300.00 savings over our local hospital fees for the same exact labs.  The results are mailed to YOU, the client, and you can then show them to your doctor.  Evaluation for lipids is very important if you are over 50, and we are finding with certain SAD (standard American diets) maybe even at age 40.

Want a Vitamin D test?  Are you taking the correct amount for your body chemistry?  

If you are a male, consider a PSA test?

If you are tired after meals or have other sugar metabolizing symptoms, you may ask for those tests.

If you are very tired you may want to add in iron labs, and a thyroid panel (Free T4, Free T3, & thyroid antibody additional tests give more information). 

This company works with lab technicians all over the United States.  You can STILL use her services and have a nurse draw your blood right within your own home almost anywhere you live.  The lab results will be mailed to you.


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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